Before the Click CEOP button is implemented onto your organisation’s website, please ensure you have read this guidance in full.
CEOP is part of the National Crime Agency and is dedicated to tackling the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and young people.
The Click CEOP button (pictured above) is an asset of the National Crime Agency. The button has been developed primarily for children and young people and is offered as a convenient, and potentially less intimidating, method of reporting online sexual abuse and grooming.
The hosting of the Click CEOP button increases the reach of the CEOP Safety Centre’s valuable reporting tool to children and young people up to the age of 18, should they need it. This document provides guidance on effective and appropriate hosting and promotion of the Click CEOP button.
The Click CEOP button provides a direct gateway to the CEOP Safety Centre, from hosting web pages. The CEOP Safety Centre:
It is advised that users read the information and advice contained within the CEOP Safety Centre prior to making a report to CEOP.
All reports to CEOP are treated sensitively and are read and risk assessed by the CEOP Child Protection team. CEOP takes all reports seriously and children up to the age of 18 can report through the Click CEOP button.
Children and young people should be made aware of the CEOP Safety Centre, should they be concerned about online sexual abuse or grooming and feel unable to tell a trusted adult or make a report to police. Children and young people should also be made aware that CEOP are part of a law enforcement agency.
If you work in a secondary education setting, you can find a short explainer video on reporting through the CEOP Safety Centre and guidance on delivering it to young people,
CEOP encourages the hosting and promotion of the Click CEOP button by appropriate organisations as this increases the asset’s visibility and potential reach when a child or young person may need its information and advice, or reporting service.
Only organisations providing services to children, young people and families in the UK (and thus hosting or signposting content appropriate for these audiences), should host and promote the Click CEOP button.
Examples of appropriate organisations:
The above list is not exhaustive. Professionals should use their knowledge and experience when assessing whether or not it is appropriate to host or promote the Click CEOP asset on their website. Specific enquiries relating to compliance should be directed to the CEOP Education Team at
The Click CEOP asset must always be used in its entirety and without modification by external parties.
The Click CEOP button must always be presented clearly and be prominent within a dedicated, uncluttered space. The button should be on a webpage accessed by children and young people, for example this may be a website homepage or in a designated safeguarding section.
The Click CEOP button should be accompanied by the below text, to make the purpose of the button clear and distinguish it from any other images or logos on the webpage. Depending on the space available for copy, you may wish to use either the short or longer text options below.
Short text
Under 18 and worried about online sexual abuse? To report, click to visit the CEOP Safety Centre.
Long text
CEOP is here to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online.
You can make a report directly to the CEOP Safety Centre by clicking on the Click CEOP button if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you have only ever met online. CEOP take all reports seriously and we will do everything we can to keep you safe.
As well as making a report to the CEOP Safety Centre, the CEOP Education website has information and advice to help you if something has happened to you online.
Are you being bullied?
CEOP are unable to respond to reports about bullying but if you’re being bullied and would like to talk to someone in confidence right now you can speak to Childline on 0800 1111 or talk to them online – no worry is too big or too small.
The Click CEOP asset is provided as an image file. When hosted on a website or webbased service it must only be hyperlinked to the CEOP Safety Centre:
Hosting of the button does not mean that your organisation’s website or services it provide are associated with or endorsed by the National Crime Agency. Hosting of the button does not mean that your website has been vetted by or is deemed safe for children.
Examples of misuse include:
Specific enquiries relating to compliance should be emailed to